
Harvest Gold to Commence Field Program at Garcia Flats, South Carlin Trend Property


Harvest Gold Corporation (HVG – TSX.V) May 19, 2006 (the “Company”) will begin a detailed soil geochemistry survey of its Garcia Flats claims. The claims cover a 16 square kilometer (3,960 acres) area located at the southern extension of the Carlin Trend in Elko County Nevada. This program is the first this summer and the results of the survey will be combined, with gravity data and geophysical survey data to identify drill targets.

Approximately 1150 soil samples are planned for the Garcia Flats claim blocks, 850 in the northwest block and 300 in the southeast.  A sample spacing of 100 m by 100 m will cover both claim blocks.  All samples will be analyzed by enzyme leach and a small subset will be analyzed by aqua regia ICPMS.  The aqua regia ICPMS subset will be compared against the enzyme leach data for purposes of calibration to help sort out the different phases (gaseous vs. solid or aqueous) that contain various elements, including gold.  The plan calls for seventy samples to be analyzed by aqua regia ICPMS. 

Harvest Gold Corp. (US), Vice President, Greg Hill says “This large number of soil samples is required to develop quality drill targets at a property as large as Garcia Flats. Ore bodies at Carlin-type mines can be as narrow as 100-200 m, and some have maximum dimensions of only 200-400 m.  A million ounces of gold, or more, can be contained in a very small space and this systematic soil sampling approach, combined with geophysics, will provide us with an excellent screening process to identify the best drill targets.  Soil sampling will commence immediately.”

Garcia Flats was acquired by the company following completion and positive results of a regional soil geochemical survey of the area. The program was designed to identify a new district size gold target area on the south Carlin Trend in Elko County Nevada. It utilized broadly spaced (500 m) sample sites over geological features generally associated, with Carlin Trend gold deposits.

The Garcia Flats claims are situated in a structurally complex area, along a major northwest-trending fault zone that extends towards the Bald Mountain district to the southeast. The Roberts Mountains thrust, projects under the shallow cover that contains anomalous soil geochemistry gold values having significant responses in pathfinder elements including: arsenic, antimony and other metals. The Webb/Devils Gate contact occurs to the north of the property throughout the Pinon range where it is mineralized in many places and acts as the main ore host at the Rain gold deposit 40 km north of the property.  This contact is believed to be present beneath the Garcia Flats claim blocks. Eocene age volcanic rocks also exist on the property, indicating local igneous activity, around the time of gold mineralization on the Carlin Trend.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

John Roozendaal, B.Sc.
Harvest Gold Corporation

For more information about Harvest Gold Corporation, please review the company’s

website at  or speak with a Company representative

at 1-866-816-0118 or 604-986-2020


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